Use 2 controller dynasty warriors 8 pc
Use 2 controller dynasty warriors 8 pc

use 2 controller dynasty warriors 8 pc

The save file the game finds online appears to be blank, and when you go to download it, you get the message "there is no data".

use 2 controller dynasty warriors 8 pc

But then when you venture into the game's data menu, intelligently honing in on the "download data" option, you'll be met with a bizarre error. Obviously you don't, amirite! Because you have about 80 hours of progress from the PS3 version you'd like to import, please. When you first start up Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition you'll be asked if you want to create a new save file. Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition PS4 - importing your PS3 save to PS4 I've got it working now - sort of - but as a result of all this nonsense I haven't had much time to play the actual game itself, so in lieu of some editorial coverage, please enjoy this guide to getting the blasted thing going. I had actually meant to have some sort of "here's why Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition is great and I love it" feature up last week, but I hadn't been able to play it for various spectacularly ridiculous reasons you'll learn about below. Omega Force isn't exactly known for its user-friendliness - the multiplayer in its last few games has been a nightmare of invite wrangling and eye-twitching connection waits - but Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition, its first PS4 release, is a whole other ball game, the kind where the spectators cry in the stands and careers are destroyed in heartbeats. Rarely have I experienced such frustration and fuck-around getting a console game going as I have with my PlayStation 4 over the past few weeks. Bless you, Omega Force I think I've written enough here and elsewhere about how much I love you and your games that you can take this bit of criticism in the spirit in which it was intended - like the sharp, short, sexy slaps you give a lover before you lock them in a cupboard for an hour to think about what they've done. Here's how to bend Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition to your will.ĭynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition is everything I ever dreamed of - at about four in the morning, after too much cheese, on a day with too many PlayStation Network updates. "Download is not complete"? "There is no save data"? Oh yeah, buddy - we feel your pain.

Use 2 controller dynasty warriors 8 pc