Athel raid shadow legends name
Athel raid shadow legends name

athel raid shadow legends name

Though similar in appearance and skill, this doppelganger craves nothing less than the complete destruction of her original self and everything she stands for. From it, a dark and twisted reflection was formed. Athel was brought back as pure and determined as ever, a fraction of her essense was lost to the Shadow. The Arbiter intervened and, with Athel’s own spirit resisting desperately, managed to purge the Shadow in a short but gruelling battle of wills. I even looked at the blood splashed on the ground or symbols etched in the paving. Thought it was maybe at the point of where he's given the option to kill the mother and I looked at the patterns on the buildings. Eager to gain a powerful servant, Siroth was swift to try and corrupt the noble paladin’s heart. Seemed to point at something in the background. Athel Review Athel is a Rare Magic Attack champion from Sacred Order in Raid Shadow Legends. Reviving Athel after she and others in the party have fallen to Hellrazor’s flames was no easy task. Athel Raid Shadow Legends Posted in Raid Shadow Legends.

athel raid shadow legends name

With Siroth’s power on the rise and the Shadow slowly creeping in to consume all, not even the souls of the just and the pious are safe. It is nigh inevitable Dark Athel shall one day clash in battle with her hated “sister”. With the help of his mortal minions, Siroth brought his newest pawn into the world, armed her with profane weapons and armour, and set her out on the path of destruction. But the realm of the dead is not without its own dangers. Never allowed to fade or pass forth into other planes of existence, it slumbers peacefully until the time comes and Teleria requires their strength once more. When a Champion dies, his or her soul remains bound to the Shard.

Athel raid shadow legends name